Ossie A. Testimonial

Customer Testimonials

Ossie A.

As a long time builder of audio equipment, I can attest to the quality of the components supplied, especially this latest version.  The metal work is ideal and the unit fits together without any cajoling.  The circuit card is robust, thick fiberglass with perfectly spaced plated through holes for each part.  Quality is there- from resistors to the pots.  I have easy access to thousands of audio components and I was never tempted to raid my shelves for an upgrade.  Well done!  

The units are very consistent from unit to unit.   If you take a little time to sort your parts well you can duplicate your units.  I measured everything and cataloged the values from my first build to duplicate in my second .  The proof is I can switch all my units around, one for another, set the controls with a DMM and they sound identical.  This tells me about the transformers - consistent!

Finally, they are THE SOUND.  The chewy/ gooey yet crisp sound that just melts the ice.  WOW

Thanks for making these!